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Cost for use Calculator
(This process is automatically calculated by our software and presented for your review and approval prior to any charges being incurred.)

To help understand how charges for this services are to be calculated and paid. Please review the following:

  1. services are free to all load, freight brokers, and freight forwarders etc.  Additionally, the service is also free to Insurance Agencies and Companies.
  2. services are paid by motor carrier (trucker) through their Insurance Agency or Company providing coverage. (Please note - Other users may utilize service in lieu of the motor carrier (trucker).
  3. Once registered, Insurance Agencies and Companies may choose to pay for motor carrier (trucker) or other type accounts on a "per" Acord form 25 (Certificate of Liability Insurance)basis or "per month".

    Per month" payment arrangement will normally be available for large established agencies and companies, once verified. Smaller or new agencies may be subject to "pay per certificate" for a probationary period.
  4. "Per month" payment arrangement will normally be available for large established agencies and companies, once verified. Smaller or new agencies may be subject to "pay per certificate" for a probationary period.

Pricing Calculator

To obtain a quote for service, please provide some basic information concerning the business details of the motor carrier (trucker) equipment and type of coverage provided that will be placed upon the Acord form 25 (Certificate of Liability Insurance).

Type Of Coverage Provided (Please check one or more)

Automobile Liability
General Liability
Garage Liability
Excess/Umbrella Liability
Workers Compensation And Employer's Liability

# of Power Units (Please enter a number in the space provided.)

Please provide the total # of power units (tractors, straight trucks, commercial pick-ups, or vans) Do not include any non-power units, (Trailers of any type flat beds, etc). This number should be the same number of power units identified, quoted or covered, by your insurance provider.

To provide your quick quote for a single Acord form 25 (Certificate of Liability Insurance) within the database please review your entries and press "Calculate my Quick Quote" below.

Calculate my Quick Quote

Please press only once

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