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About Us

Transportation Certificate Services, Inc. is an internet service solution provider focused upon efficiency, reliability, and effective use of resource that provides a win-win scenario for all users of this utility service.

For years we have watched the information transfer patterns for this small area of insurance from within and longed for an environmentally friendly process that can actually improve productivity, meet the highest standards of security, and meet the unyielding demand for Insurance Verification without falter.

We’ve teamed up with the best minds available for website design, Ingenux, Inc and Pulse Solutions. These design professionals carefully analyzed, and reviewed the concerns for this small area of the Transportation Industry and worked with us to meet the most stringent security concerns of Information Technology specialists, while meeting the National service demands of Freight Brokers.

We are also very clearly focused upon the service needs to meet or exceed the concerns for all Motor Carriers within the defined, North American Continent, NAFTA defined.

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